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Accounting has been defined as, by Professor of Accounting at the University of Michigan William A Paton as having one basic function: "facilitating the administration of economic activity. This function has two closely related phases: 1) measuring and arraying economic data; and 2) communicating the results of this process to interested parties."

As an example, a company's accountants periodically measure the profit and loss for a month, a quarter or a fiscal year and publish these results in a statement of profit and loss that's called an income statement. These statements include elements such as accounts receivable (what's owed to the company) and accounts payable (what the company owes). It can also get pretty complicated with subjects like retained earnings and accelerated depreciation. This at the higher levels of accounting and in the organization.

Much of accounting though, is also concerned with basic bookkeeping. This is the process that records every transaction; every bill paid, every dime owed, every dollar and cent spent and accumulated.

But the owners of the company, which can be individual owners or millions of shareholders are most concerned with the summaries of these transactions, contained in the financial statement. The financial statement summarizes a company's assets. A value of an asset is what it cost when it was first acquired. The financial statement also records what the sources of the assets were. Some assets are in the form of loans that have to be paid back. Profits are also an asset of the business.

In what's called double-entry bookkeeping, the liabilities are also summarized. Obviously, a company wants to show a higher amount of assets to offset the liabilities and show a profit. The management of these two elements is the essence of accounting.

There is a system for doing this; not every company or individual can devise their own systems for accounting; the result would be chaos!

Are you someone that wants to go to the top nursing school, become a nurse, be paid well, and have steady employment? For you to achieve this, and much more, you must research the top nursing schools and find out which one will give you the best education for what you want to do.

Throughout the decades, the field of nursing has provided countless numbers of people with high paying jobs. Opportunities will arise like the sun does every day, and awaits all degree holders of ...

nursing,nursing school,nursing schools,nursing education,school of nursing,school for nursing

Article Body:
Are you someone that wants to go to the top nursing school, become a nurse, be paid well, and have steady employment? For you to achieve this, and much more, you must research the top nursing schools and find out which one will give you the best education for what you want to do.

Throughout the decades, the field of nursing has provided countless numbers of people with high paying jobs. Opportunities will arise like the sun does every day, and awaits all degree holders of nursing, particularly those who have graduated from the top nursing schools. And since nursing is proved to be in an endless great demand, a number of nursing schools grow and multiply every year, like mushrooms.

Most top nursing schools will require applicants and/or students to acquire formal training and certification while in school. According to study, top nursing schools are expected to grow more in numbers, and be full blown before the year 2010, which is when another boom is expected to hit. Graduating and earning a degree from a top nursing school will be your starting point to the gate of a variety of professions such as family nurse practitioners, nurse practitioners, nurse assistants, and registered nurses. The most popular nursing field is that of a registered nurse.

If you are looking for a nursing school, you will more than likely find that schools within one of the larger cities have access to top hospitals. These cities are also home to good transit systems what will make the schools and living areas more accessible to one another, creating a lower cost of living in those areas for students.

Despite all the competition among top nursing schools, the quality of students and education is at an all time high. Throughout the years, these schools have given their students a stringent curriculum within convenient class hours, an extensive and strong alumni base, and solid learning environments and learning teams. This large array of benefits and advantages have allowed for more than a million students to be lined up for enrollment and then employment. The top nursing schools can help you find out what your path in life will be and then allow you to find that path through their programs.

Top nursing schools will continue to give benefits to their future and recent graduates, degree holders, and alumni. So take all of your worries and put them away, and take the first step to begin your education and bring your future to you.

A question for the ages in relation to the golf swing. Golfers around the world are familiar with the term clubhead speed. It is the rate at which the golf club is traveling at impact with the golf ball. Golfers are also familiar with the term power.
They know that power is directly related to clubhead speed. Knowing the connection between the two, which comes first?

Clubhead Speed and Power in the Golf Swing

Take a moment to answer the question; which comes first, clu...

Golf, Fitness, Golf Tip, Instruction, Exercise

Article Body:
A question for the ages in relation to the golf swing. Golfers around the world are familiar with the term clubhead speed. It is the rate at which the golf club is traveling at impact with the golf ball. Golfers are also familiar with the term power.
They know that power is directly related to clubhead speed. Knowing the connection between the two, which comes first?

Clubhead Speed and Power in the Golf Swing

Take a moment to answer the question; which comes first, clubhead speed or power?

Write down your answer and continue reading. Before we answer this question, let us do a quick review of both clubhead speed and power.

Clubhead Speed

Again, we understand that clubhead speed is the rate at which the clubhead is moving at impact with the golf ball. The development of clubhead speed is a resultant of your golf swing mechanics. It is essentially a summation of the entire process of the golf swing, beginning with address, moving through the backswing, into transition, onto the downswing, and completing with impact.

The paragraph above should answer the question of which comes first; clubhead speed or power? Clubhead speed is the resultant of power development with the mechanics of the golf swing.

The next question we want to ask is about power:

How is Power Developed in the Golf Swing?

Power is a combination of two entities:

1. Golf Swing Mechanics

2. Body

Your golf swing mechanics is the efficiency at which you perform the golf swing. Essentially, the golf swing can be broken down into the stages. These stages are;

Address, Backswing, Transition, Downswing, Impact, and Follow Through

Each of these stages within the golf swing can be performed efficiently or inefficiently. PGA Tour players tend to perform the mechanics of the golf swing very efficiently, where as the 30 handicapper performs them very inefficiently.

If the mechanics within each stage of the golf swing are efficient. The creation of power and transfer of this power into clubhead speed is at a greater percentage.

On the flip side, if each stage is performed inefficiently. The amount of power developed and transferred into clubhead speed becomes a low percentage.

The first key in power development and the generation of clubhead speed is golf mechanics.

Efficient Golf Swing Mechanics = Greater Power Development and Clubhead Speed

Once we understand that efficient golf swing mechanics equals more power and clubhead speed. We can turn our attention to the “support structure” of your golf swing.

The Body

The body is what drives the golf swing. It is your skeleton, muscles, and nerves performing the mechanics of the golf swing. As a result, your body has a direct affect on how much power you generate in your golf swing.

The mechanics of golf swing requires certain levels of:






Optimal levels within these body categories allow for the possibility of performing the mechanics of the golf swing at their most efficient levels.

For example, a full shoulder in the backswing is necessary for optimal power development. In order to perform a full shoulder turn, you must have a high level of flexibility.

If you are lacking the flexibility to perform a shoulder turn it will affect the amount of power you can generate.

Bottom line the body is the foundation on which the golf swing is developed.

If you have a weak foundation, you will have a weak golf swing.

Efficient Golf Swing Mechanics + A Strong, Flexible, and Powerful Body = Clubhead Speed

We now know clubhead speed is a product of power development in the golf swing. Power development within your golf swing is contingent upon two entities. The first entity is your golf swing mechanics. Performing the mechanics of the golf swing efficiently elicits more power. Secondly, it is the body. Optimal power development requires certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power within the body. Put these two entities together and you have the ability to generate high levels of clubhead speed within your golf swing.

The new iPod video has a wide range of new qualities and among these, the most important is, without any doubt, the video feature. Due to the fact that the market already had a small and portable device which basically played games, but also played videos, the new iPod video was released with some suspicions of the critics. The video iPod is hardly the first portable video player on the market, as the device belonging to Sony claims to be the number 1 portable video player in the world, but it is principally used to play video games. Even so, the sales of this new product turned out to be surprisingly high, a fact which was obvious shortly after the first semester.
The main concern regarding the product was the fact that due to the small screen, the people willing to watch a serious movie on it would be limited. In fact, studies show that most people prefer to feel the actual movie, while watching it in front of a big screen, like the one in the movie theatres. Even more, the new cell phone with a video feature which was so famous in Asia was used for watching movies only for a few minutes, considering the fact that it had a small screen which couldn’t allow catching all the quality details of the movie. The critics even mentioned the fact that, while being on a bus, in a cab or waiting in line at some office, the video iPod with its tiny screen might be a good solution, after all. This is due to the fact that this activity is considered a great snack or a great break. Based on this, the analysts mentioned that if Apple wanted to really hit the market, they should opt for an iPod with a bigger screen, so that customers would be eager to watch even the long movies on this device.
Another aspect which was highly debated was the fact that the battery life of this new device lasts less than expected. While the play station portable has a battery which lasts up to 8 hours while watching a movie, the iPod video only provides 2 hours of battery life, which is a big disturbance, when trying to watch a full length movie on this small digital device. Another thing that the critics attacked was the fact that the iPod takes too long time to download various movies. If for the play station portable, this task is doable in less than 3 hours, while the QuickTime 7 Pro took almost 12 hours to encode the video in an iPod-friendly format.
The sales of the new iPod video show the fact that the public accepts and wants this new product with a lot of interest, due to the fact that it can play music, store pictures and play movies at the same time, a fact which makes it a multifunctional device. Even if the new item received many criticism, the shirt-pocket-size new video iPod, seems to be one of the most preferred objects of the teens of today, as they use it to store and listen to thousands of music and other audio files downloaded straight from the Internet or from DVD’s, cameras and from the computer files.

Gambling is such a lucrative activity where gains are manifested only to those who have access to it.

Generally, gambling is considered as a game of chance. Everybody would love to gamble because of the fact that it could provide them easy money without having to toil and wait longer.

Others contend that the reason why people love gambling is based on the fact that they consider it as a play, a game that gives them the kind of satisfaction that they need. They find it as an outlet that deviates from the usual life they have whenever they are at work or at home.

The Gambling People

In a typical casino environment, people who are seen playing poker, blackjack, roulettes, etc. usually come from different walks of life.

Normally, they would put a reasonable bet on something that they think would be enough to give them back their stakes plus a hefty amount of money if ever they win.

But there are people who place bets or stakes with large amount of money. These people are known as the high-rollers of the casino. These high rollers are those that usually deposit $1,000 or more.

The reason why high rollers exist in the casinos is based on the fact that there are special bonuses that are only designated to people who deposit large amounts of money. And most often than not, these high rollers are the ones that usually win and take the money from other bets.

No wonder why a particular thinking had evolved. This is known as the high-rollers mindset.

The high rollers mindset is a way of thinking of most casino players or gamblers that conceptualizes the idea that the higher the bet, the higher the chances of winning and getting bigger amount of money.

High-rollers mindset is usually employed by high-rollers or those who gamble a lot of money. They believe that by placing large amounts of money as their bets, they would be able to get the special bonuses being offered by the casino. Plus, they can even have more benefits that are only entitled to the high rollers if ever they get to win the game.

Having a high-roller mindset is not at all wrong, especially if a person has a lot of money to bet. The only drawback is that it tends to let a person gamble a lot of money just for the thought that he or she might win.

The bottom line: high rollers who gamble more have higher chances of losing more. After all, it’s still gambling where people are never sure if they will win or not.

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